Match Registration is done on the PractiScore web site.
Step 1. Go to Practiscore. and you will get a list of the ENPS Level 1 matches currently open for registration. Level 1 "club" monthly matches will all be listed and can be registered for and PAID FOR right on the Practiscore web site! Super convenience, just use a credit card right there! The Level 2 (Major) matches have their own pages on PRACTISCORE, and you will find the link to those on the Match page for each match here on this web site, using the MATCHES - MAJOR MATCHES menu links at the top.
If this is your first time registering on Practiscore, check out the Practiscore Registration Tips page first!

Step 2 (Optional). AFTER you've registered for the match, if you didn't pay for the match at the time of registration due to not being certain that you would be able to make it, if you'd then like to pre-pay for your match, you can return to Practiscore to the match page to view your registration and submit payment there at any time. Please do so BEFORE the morning of the match, or the match staff will not know that you have paid and it will cause issues at morning check-in.
- For normal Level 1 monthly club matches: If you register online for the match but don't pay in advance (why not?), you can still pay at the range the morning of the match BEFORE 8:30 a.m. We APPRECIATE everyone who pre-pays for the match since it speeds up our morning registration a great deal to not have to handle a lot of payments at the match, so PLEASE pre-pay online if you are able to!
- For LEVEL 2 matches, you MUST pre-pay in order to be allowed to squad for the match!
After you have registered for a Level 1 match on Practiscore, you will be able to squad for the match immeidately right on the confirmation page in Practiscore. You can also skip squadding at that time and come back later to squad if you'd like, just pull your registration back up on the match page in Practiscore and you will see the option to select a squad.
For the Major (Level 2+) matches, you will only be allowed to squad AFTER you have registered AND paid, AND your registration has been processed by the club stats person. You will get an e-mail with your "Match Management Link" in it once your registration has been processed, which will also take you to the squadding page on Practiscore. The EARLIER you register, the EARLIER you will get to choose your squad! If you wait until the last minute, or don't pre-register at all, you will be squadded wherever we have room.
* It doesn't happen often, but it DOES happen - We always reserve the right to modify squad assignments as required to balance squads, meet RO requirements, etc. If you choose a squad on Practiscore and end up being moved to a different squad the morning of the match, please take it in stride, make some new friends, and have a great match! We only modify squad assignments when we HAVE to, not because we don't LIKE you, or don't understand how BADLY you wanted to shoot with your buddy! We've all been moved to a different squad at one time or another, just suck it up, Buttercup! - Note this is only for Level I matches, for major matches your squad assignments will not be changed.
Click here for FULL SIZED Google Calendar for Matches and Events
If you want to add the calendar to your device, open the calendar and click the +GoogleCalendar icon at the bottom right of the page.